What Somatic Narcissists Cannot Deal With Is Indifference

Indifference is their kryptonite.  Narcissists cannot stand indifference. Hatred, they can take, because it gives them confirmation of their power to control and provoke and bring their victims down to their level of misery.  Love they enjoy for a bit especially during the idealization phase, because it validates how convincing their false mask is.  Indifference means there’s no power, no reaction, no ability to ruin someone’s life or their day-the victim moves forward with.  They’ve lost a source of supply that they can no longer toy with.  The game can only run for so long, especially for somatic narcissists who will eventually age, and lose their youth and beauty.  As they become older, narcissists lose some of the power and pull they once held over their victims.  Without any treatment for their symptoms, or behavior modification, the people that once looked up to them, now despise them.  Karma has a way of giving them what they deserve tenfold, even if you aren’t around to witness it.”  (Shahida Arabi, Becoming The Narcissist Nightmare, Page 310-311)


My experience with a somatic narcissist, dated back in 1980 to 1981, I was a teenager at the time;  who once, was  traumatized from physical, and psychological abuse  due to bullying.  It was before I  ever heard of narcissism,  it was when I met a former classmate, who at one time was a nice looking teen. 

I remembered him as being tall slender build, light complexion with wavy reddish brown hair; I later discovered that he is biracial.  I, being a young naïve girl with very low self-esteem, not knowing my value, I was enamored by his physical appearance.  He is admired by plenty of girls who wanted to be with him, and I was one of them.  In the summer of 1980, at a pool party, he was sitting alongside of a middle aged woman, who worked as a cook for two cottages; one where I stayed in and another where he stayed in.   I once overheard him tell her, that he wanted to get to know me, I was floored because I so much wanted to be his girl.  Although, I was flattered, albeit, it took a bad turn shortly after.  What I didn’t know that I was dealing with a  somatic narcissist.

Fast forward, this individual played on my emotions, by purposely flirting and dating other girls in front of me, for the purpose to triangulate me.   This was an direct attack on my self-esteem in such a cruel way; the end result, I began to lose all interest in him. It was when a new guy came to school, and became my friend shortly after; the narc was no longer my focus.

The new guy took an interest in me, and we became friends , he treated me better.  This of course, did not sit well with the narc; who apparently didn’t like being outshined by someone who, was more attractive than he.  And because he was no longer the center of my attention, the narc, made it his mission to hoover me back.  After graduation from school, the house parent got me onto a van; to take me to a post-graduation luncheon.  There, I encountered the narc, who was brought by his house parent to the same restaurant, where we sat at the same table and ate.  After we have finished our meal, we headed back home, in the same van; where he began to initiate a conversation with me. 

After we had a conversation , I don’t quite remember what he said to me, but like a fool that I was, I allowed this narc to win me over.  I allowed him in my personal space, and allowed him to hug me, not knowing that he never had any interest in me whatsoever.  It was all  the need to have power over me.  The following day, when I was on my way back to New York City to live with my mother, I never heard from him again.  I didn’t as much as get a goodbye; yet he later reached out to me via letter after I have written him.  That was the last letter I got from him; I wrote back twice and never got a response.  I then ripped up that letter, as my way to erase all memories of him, I now don’t ever want to meet that person again; and any woman who gets with him, will discover that he is only out for himself. 

Ultimately, he will face his karma, when he doesn’t age well, what he once could get away with then, he can’t get away with now.  He would end up with someone who he wouldn’t want  be seen with in broad daylight; all because he is out of options. Many other women wouldn’t not be interested him, unless they have low self-esteem, and doesn’t know their worth. From my observations, I’ve seen karma hit those who got older for karma has no expiration date; what you reap now, you will sow later on in life tenfold.  

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