Sometimes Bridges Are Meant To Be Burned For A Reason

%Because You Are What Haters Cannot Achieve Will Try To%

This is one of the quotes that I found online, that I need to share, this is by The Random Vibez, because this quote says alot and I wish to give my perspective on this quote. You always hear the adages about not burning bridges, because you may have to crossed that same bridge.  But in this particular circumstances, some bridges are meant to be burned for a reason. 

  That reason, is to avoid having to return to people who, never meant well to you, or those who never had your best interest at heart.  Burning bridges, to avoid returning where you never really belonged, or wanted, and so on.  Case in point, individuals, who you thought were your friends, turned on you. As a consequence, you alienate them and not have and further contact with them. This is a good example as to why burning bridges, can be a good thing; when dealing with those who wants to use you to further their agendas. But also be careful to not burn bridges that are not meant to be burned; because you never know when you will need a favor. 




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