Knowing The Narcissist| Going No Contact With The Narcissist

|%Because You Are What Haters Cannot Achieve Will Try To%

         ‘No contact can be devastatingly effective because  if it is properly prepared for then its execution can be achieved in a moment. this element of swift execution allows you to gain a surprise advantage.  It is akin to landing a sucker punch on us and whilst we are reeling from that sudden assault you are able to land further blows against through wrenching away control, demeaning our  superiority and challenging our all-powerful status.  The effectiveness of No Contact can be distilled down to two main effects.’

“No Contact is the stake through the heart of a vampire; it is the silver bullet that slays the werewolf and the kryptonite, which renders Superman just a man. No Contact is the thermonuclear weapon in the victim’s arsenal and if used appropriately and most importantly, when maintained, it will allow the near total freedom from the influence of the narcissist.”

                                                                                  ~H.G. Tudor, Author~

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